Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives for Week Four

  • Last week, we discussed principles of how we identify and connect with business partners.. And the various ways we can find them.
  • This week, we want to share real life examples of the newest leaders who have joined our teams ..
    • How we met them.
    • What we said
    • What it was that attracted them & convinced them that a Shaklee business would be a good fit for them.
  • We suggest you have paper ready to write down names that will come to you as we hear these real life stories

Action Steps

  • From today’s stories, make a list of those actions, word tracks, and behaviors that these sponsoring leaders did that impacted the new business partner… and eventually led to their joining Shaklee and building a business.
  • What would you like to begin to incorporate into your prospecting system? ( more business-oriented events , more information about the business in our events, more conversations about the business, and inquiries about “ whom do you know” who may be looking for something, like Katie and Laura , share more stories, adopt an attitude of confidence in the value of what a Shaklee business offers and how much people love their Shaklee busnesses, etc)
  • What would you like to change or eliminate in your current process. ( facts, figures and data, fear of people saying no, fear of people saying yes, reluctance to have a conversation, attitude that you aren’t good enough, etc )
  • Make a plan of how you are going to meet your next business partner. 


Recorded on May 5, 2016.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

Giacomin Enterprises, LLC
Elena Giacomin Dennis

Santa Fe, New Mexico