Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives Session 6:

  1. Develop customer base of 20-30 members
  2. Identify potential business partners to build your business team

Discussion surrounding how to come across to your prospect i.e. the don'ts-- no sales pitch, no pressure , no exaggeration or over statements.

  • Do's—Begin process of building friendship/ relationship
  • Convey why you love your business, company, products
  • Paint a picture of what it can mean for them based on what's important to them

In today's webinar learn about developing your story, how to choose content of your presentation, worthwhile phrases, different ways of presenting, and an effective way of closing as well as a page full of valuable resources to send prospects.

Action Steps

  • Identify people you would like to have a conversation with regarding home businesses.
  • Practice presenting information on home businesses formally or informally… include benefits, tangible and intangible, and what is important to you about a Shaklee business in particular ( the culture, the history, the philosophy, team spirit, etc ). You may want to ask who comes to mind who may want to know about how home businesses work .
  • Learn how to tell your story comfortably about both product and business so you can share it at all your activities and in your contacts.
  • Continue to set up 3 to 5 activities a week with the goal of sponsoring 3 to 5 new members a week .
  • Team up with 1 or 2 other leaders to present an informal half-hour conference call on business stories.
  • Register for Long Beach … This will be a very special event.
  • Keep your goals in front of you




Recorded on July 22th, 2014.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
