Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Today we were honored to have Jen Chavez from CO and Katie Odom from IL -- two NEW Executive Coordinators in recent months--share their stories. It was enlighting to hear the ups and downs along with the ins and outs of their journeys to Ex. Coordinator. We saw how each of their organizations have been developing over the last few years. They covered for us what activities they have found to be most effective in developing new business leaders both first level and in depth. Great information...inspiring!!

Action Steps

  • Prepare for last Monday of the Month Power of Our Profession webinar … This month topic is …
    • Power of Our profession for ... Life After Kids …
  • Make a list of women you know whose children are now leaving home and invite them to Monday 's webinar
  • Already archived are Power of the Profession for Moms, Teachers, Nurses and now Life After Kids …
  • What if we set a goal between now and June to have business conversation so we can identify people who may want to start the Summer School Training come June 8 Weeks to Director.


Recorded on April 23th, 2015.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
