Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives for Week Five

After we learn the skills, the activities and the strategies to grow our businesses .. Next step is to get smart about how we use our time. Objectives for this session are:

  • Learn yet another story of how the Shaklee business impacts lives in the most inspiring of ways so we can pass those stories on to others.
  • To set up events and appointments to introduce benefits of a Shaklee business to 3 to 5 people this week.

Action Steps

  • Make a list of people you would like to invite to a meeting about benefits of a home business.
  • Decide in what format you would like to share the information... Face Book Event with live video, conference call, appointment, etc.
  • Go to your and select the business presentation you like the best... Then personalize it with your pictures and your story.
  • Looking to October – Our Product Collection of the month will be Immune Products ... Now is the time to begin setting up events ... Conference calls, video conferencing (Zoom) , FaceBook events, appointments, in-homes.
  • Suggested topics ... Say Boo to the Flu, Staying Healthy Through the Winter (or the Holidays, or Fall Allergy Season, or Cold and Flu Season, etc)


Recorded on September 27, 2016.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
