Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives Winter Semester 2017 -- Thinking Bigger ... Reaching Higher

In this Winter 2017 semester, we are preparing ourselves to:

  • Expand our thinking
  • And see the possibilities that lie within each of us… including picturing ourselves achieving the ranks of Executive and Key Coordinator.
  • We will achieve these ranks by becoming an Executive Coordinator on the inside ... even as we assemble and empower the team that will take us there ... on the outside.

Exciting new perks are coming from the company around these 2 ranks, starting with the automatic qualifying for Top Achievers Trip to CHINA and the Great Wall when we achieve Key Coordinator ... But stay tuned ... more to come.

Action Steps

  • Two weeks to reach our goals for Februrary ...
    • 1000 NEW PV
    • sponsor 3 new members each week
  • Offer Health Print to 10 people over next 2 weeks.
  • Make note of their top 3 health goals and begin sending them information on one at a time.
  • Schedule 4 events over next 2 weeks ( 2 events/ week ) ... on topics important to your Health Print customers ...
  • Share your health story and your business story at every event...
  • Follow up with New Member Appointments and show benefits Laura laid out today.


Recorded on Feburary 14, 2017.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
