Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Today Lisa Anderson and Katie Odom took us through understanding the value of in-home events in developing a Shaklee business; the skills of inviting, presenting, closing and following-up for successful in-homes; as well as reviewing tips to make our events products with a few diaglougs and resources to help us with content of the events.

Action Steps

  • Set up 4 in-home events -- each typically generates 250 PV …thus generating 1000 new PV.
  • Set up 4 in-home events under each of your distributors .. Thus generating 1000 PV under each of them.
  • Offer incentive for customers to set up an in-home event in their home … maybe $10 off their next order for every guest attending … maybe adding free shipping for more than 5 attending… or free products

We have attached a number of documents to help you with your in-home events. Be sure to download those.

Jenn Hart shared her story and her successful Spa Night program. With Mother's Day coming soon, these Spa Nights would be perfect to set up and conduct. Check out the information attached.


Recorded on March 26th, 2015.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
