Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives for Session 7 - Creating the 2000 PV Plan

  • To understand building our business...
    • Starts with our VISION...
    • Which leads to setting our SPECIFIC GOALS
    • And to bring those goals to reality requires ... A PLAN
  • To understand importance of WRITING DOWN A PLAN
  • To learn how to create a plan with our upline or mentor to help us reach our goals...
  • and so we, in turn, can guide our business leaders in creating THEIR plan.
  • Duplication – key component of building organizations

Action Steps

  • Create a 2000 PV Plan for yourself .. And for any business partners downline from you… ON PAPER and/or day planner
  • Create your weekly working plan.. ON PAPER and/or day plann
  • Schedule the activities and begin inviting ... INVITE FIRST ... PEOPLE CONTACT FIRST ... Then ordering materials, etc comes after in non-prime time.


Recorded on October 23, 2018.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
