Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives for Session 3 - Inviting

To review Principles of Inviting, Connecting and Building Relationships

In a world in which our prospective customers and business partners are bombarded with sales pitches, our ability to cut through all that noise...

and offer people information that they will appreciate in honest , open authentic conversation… is what will create successful businesses with life-long customers and dedicated business partners.

Action Steps

  • Set up activities/ in-home and online events, appointments, etc until you see those activities will add up to 2000 PV
  • Begin inviting using the principles we have just been discussing.
  • Determine what we will say… and write down 3 or 4 bullet points to reference as we make calls.
  • Enter our list of names and contact information in a working folder or day planner.
  • Creating a calendar.
  • Keep our goals in front of us .. along with a specific written PV plan of how we are reaching 2000 PV or more.


Recorded on September 25, 2018.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
