Your Shaklee Business Resource Center

Objectives for Week One

  • To help everyone attending achieve rank of Director over the next 8 weeks and launch their business with a strong start.
  • To review the benefits of a home business.
  • To create a clear picture of what we want our Shaklee business to provide for us .. And for others.
  • To set up the mechanics of our business and know where to find the excellent resources that will support our business growth.
  • Then to get into action … and begin building our Shaklee business.

Action Steps

  • Schedule Thursday Morning Training sessions on your calendar ( or the time you will review the archive )
  • Set up your office and business space
  • Begin to identify what a Shaklee business can mean for your life. .. You will want to share that as you invite customers and business partners to join you
  • Keep your goals in front of you (List your goals or create pictures of goals ..etc and post on bulletin boards and walls )
  • Create your working binder … a 3-ring binder and insert First Step Resource Guide, your written goals,.. So every time you open the binder, you see those goals… and documents from each week’s training. And your list of names!
  • Insert Business Leader Guide into the working folder along with your written goals and vision for your business and your life.
  • Add picture of Business kit/post on FB – tag upline, share excitement!
  • Become “a product of the product,” use the items in your kit (take Shaklee before photo) & review the benefits of the products
  • Read through entire product guide & note products you’d like to add to your future orders and promote to friends


Recorded on January 28, 2016.

Your Shaklee Business Leader

R$M Wellness
Rick & Marsha
